Friday, February 8, 2013

How can I really be expected to post today when the Storm of Feb. 8™ is on the way?

[From December 2010]

And shouldn't we all be out buying bread and stuff? Or is it too late?


  1. Hurry! Get to the supermarket. Buy all the water you can! (for reasons I never understand)
    Oh My!

    The Horror, The Horror.....

  2. Officer, please, for God's sake, they're looting the Food King!

  3. Best name I've seen yet was over at Gothamist =
    Snowtorious B.I.G.

    And as you know. I'm calling in from just north of Watertown, and we've got about 10 inches so far.....with another 20 inches coming by tomorrow morning.
    Count 'yer blessings.

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenFebruary 8, 2013 at 9:32 AM

    We need answers! Not questions. Why aren't we getting any action? We need help! AAAAAAAAAARRGGGHHHH!!!

  5. Is there really a question whether it is a good idea to stock up on water before a potential natural disaster?

    It's like being stuck on a life raft in the middle of the ocean and using your bottled water to clean your socks.

  6. BREAKING: storm update from Stanton St. We are lashing ourselves to tie down hooks mounted in studs. Using bottled water to clean socks AND underwear (could be hit by a bus)

    Cannot, repeat, cannot see out of the window. Storm is blinding. (Windows just might be filthy)

    Switching from Internet to morse code.

    Follow me on morsetwit @dotdashdot


  7. @ anon 9:40

    Heh. Excellent!

    See you on the other side...

  8. @ Ken

    Sorry! Those were SUPPOSED to be all exclamation points.

  9. How soon before a local restaurant posts a note in its window demanding the city reimburse it for all the business lost due to the snow?

  10. Dusting off my gym shorts and flip flops.

  11. What's the point of buying bread and stuff when they will all be going home to mommy and daddy in Connecticut when adversity comes, just like Sandy. Plus it's the weekend, which they go home to mommy and daddy anyway.

  12. UPDATE: New York is out of bottled water. Citizens are directed to the chrome spigot at kitchen sink for good clean water. The H is for hot and the C is for cold. They can be safely mixed for warm.

    Hipster conundrum is that the only bottled water to be found is at all 7-11 locations. Oh the personal struggle....

  13. I wish I had a mommy and daddy in Connecticut. I'd be gone. Curl up on the sofa with big tv and water.
    We get so so thirsty when it rains or snows. ( for some unknown reason or something to do with clean sock)

  14. Update from the sub levels of Ave B:

    Snark levels are at an all time high. The Hawk did not check into her post, though the animals always know first... Did I get enough Kool Aid? Are Animal Crackers really made out of animals? Must resist opening my emergency craft kit. Sandy, Irene, Nemo.

  15. Would someone invite to their place in CT for the weekend?
    Ill drive.

  16. When did we start naming snowstorms?
    Why after a cartoon fish?

  17. CT is the last place you want to be during a storm, they lose power in a slight breeze, and down trees block the streets. In fact, my folks came in from Darien to stay at a family friend's townhouse in Greenwich Village during the aftermath of Sandy.

  18. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.February 8, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    When did the storm acquire the goofy "Nemo" name?

  19. The Weather channel wanted to name snow (winter) storms because they are idiots. The National Weather Service refuses to acknowledge the Weather Channel's silliness. So it is very contentious, a very serious matter.

  20. The most important question, is what movies TMC will be showing late tonight???

  21. DO NOT use water to clean your battery powered socks. Trust me on this I'm an Eagle Scout.

  22. So the parents escape CT and slum it here. That explains the lofty parents that are apparent in the EV on weekends. Seems like every weekend is a College Family Weekend.

  23. believe me, they werent slumming it. And they didnt set foot in the east village.

  24. Oh nooo!

    A Snowpocalypse 2013 wind gust made my cat poke his head up from his nap and look blearily out the window!!!

    Can't anyone save us!??

    But in all seriousness, the mourning doves and sparrows I feed on my window sill were manic to get the new food I put out for them just now. Pray for the animals that have to be out in this mess.

  25. Key Foods is a disaster, tons of people in there. I even saw the f*ing obnoxious Bandana Man bum shopping around. WTF

  26. oh noes! it is snowing in the winter!

    hope it is not hot in July!!

  27. Gotta get the bread and milk! LOL, this is hysterical -


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