Thursday, February 7, 2013

MoRUS hosting 'Direct Action Fashion Show' this Saturday night

From the EV Grieve inbox...

The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) presents: DIRECT ACTION FASHION SHOW

Celebrate how activists use costumes, puppets, and props to draw awareness to various environmental, social, and political issues and create positive, sustainable change.

At the same time that parts of our city will be taken over by Fashion Week’s bold images intended to grease the wheels of extreme consumption, we plan to explore the ways in which spectacle can be used for the greater good, rather than corporate gain.

Prior to the event, the Rude Mechanical Orchestra will lead a march to pay tribute to the community gardens, as a reminder that this vital community resource still needs our support. Earth Celebrations, Time's Up!, People's Puppets of OWS, The MoS Collective and other organizations will be in attendance, and Arrow Chrome will DJ. Special appearance by Gene Pool, the "Can Man." Expect food, drinks and sparkles galore.


MoRUS (Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space) History Museum
155 Avenue C, between 9th and 10th Streets, Manhattan
7pm; Saturday, February 9, 2013; $5-10 sugg., no one turned away

Find more info at the MoRUS website... and at the Facebook event page.


  1. This is awesome.
    The anti-fashion week fashion event.

  2. Fashion!
    "We are the goon squad and we're coming to town..."

    - East Villager

  3. This seems fine but until people protest against the HOWL Festival the local real estate developers and landlords will continue to take over whatever is left of the East Village and Lower Eastside. The board of HOWL continues to take sponsorship dollars from. Icon Realty(Terrence Lowenberg), Tower Brokerage(Bob Perl) and others who keep joining the list. HOWL 2013 brought to you by Jared Kushner. Don't be bribed.


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