Thursday, February 7, 2013

Get well soon, Chester

A reader noted that Chester, longtime grill man at EVG favorite the Stage on Second Avenue, has been out of work in recent weeks with some health issues. We understand that he's doing better, though.

So get well soon, Chester. See you behind the counter again soon...

Updated 12:30

In the comments, our friend esquared™ notes that there's a photo of Roman and Chester from a digital video installation at the NYPL Lunch Hour NYC exhibit ...


  1. Best bacon egg sandwich ever! Get well soon!

  2. I heart U Chester!!!! Get well soon, everyone misses U!!!<3

  3. There's a photo of Stage and Chester from a digital video installation at the NYPL Lunch Hour NYC exhibit, and I took a pic of that photo.


  4. Definitely in the hash-slinger hall of fame. Looking forward to seeing him again soon.

  5. Thanks esquared™ !

    WIll add that to the post...

  6. Chester is my favorite - get well, soon!

    Nobody makes a better grilled cheese...

  7. This man has always been fascinating to me! I love to watch him. Plus, Stage has the best split pea soup, hands down!


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