Thursday, February 7, 2013

The 'No-7 Eleven' elves were at it again

Back at it on the corner of Avenue A and East 11th Street, site of the incoming 7-Eleven...

...and now, with a reference to the building's new owner, developer Jared Kushner, publisher of the New York Observer...



  1. Looks like the building now has NYPD guarding it. Cops were this this AM parked eating bagels with their lights flashing.


    Upstate NY National Guard Artillery Brigade moving into place MOMENTARILY!

    Reginald Ramone, brigade spokesperson, said :
    "We MUST PROTECT the....uhhh...THE...what?....oh....realy???....ok, THE SIDEWALK!
    Please move along...."

    Nuttin' better to do gents?


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