Saturday, February 2, 2013

[Updated] Reminders: Bodega Walk today

As we mentioned on Monday, the 'No 7-Eleven' Committee is holding a Bodega Walk today... here's more information via the inbox...

As part of our resistance against the incursion of 7-Elevens into the East Village we are inviting you to come with us on the first walking tour of our neighborhood bodegas. We love these corner stores and need them to stay open and intact.

When a 7-Eleven opens the bodegas nearby always take a hit, often a lethal one. During Sandy bodegas remained open and gave their perishable food away. Whole Foods didn’t. Will 7-Eleven? The existence of each of these unique bodegas supports the reality that our neighborhood is a social place and the city is our home. We will chant, read poems, share info about each store and buy stuff before we move on to the next. The walk will take about an hour ending at Tompkins Square Bagels.

Bodega Walk
Saturday February 2nd @ Noon
11th Street and Avenue A

Shawn Chittle created a Google map with the delis surrounding the incoming 7-Eleven on Avenue A and East 11th Street. You can access that map here.

And at DNAinfo, Serena Solomon wrote an article on the walk. You can read that here.


Per the No 7-Eleven folks:

We'll be walking to 4 bodegas before winding up at Tompkins Square Bagels for a bite to eat. Here are the addresses:

Meeting at 11th and Avenue A @ Noon

1. 528 East 11th Deli & Grocery

2. Sheen Brothers
346 East 10th Street (Corner B)

3. Tompkins Finest Deli
153 Avenue A (10 St)

4. Poppy's Deli
191 Avenue A (12 St)

5. Tompkins Square Bagels
165 Avenue A (11 St)

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] More from the anti-7-Eleven front on Avenue A and East 11th Street

Avenue A's anti-7-Eleven campaign now includes arsenal of 20,000 stickers

'No 7-Eleven' movement goes global with BBC report


  1. @ Axis of Eville

    Agreed. They could be in danger too. Given that 7-11 sells things like GO-GO Taquitos®

  2. Oh Zaragoza! Can't forget Reuben! Just added it. My apologies!

  3. Check out how you can walk INSIDE Zaragoza... mind boggling.

  4. I wanna see a map of *every* corporate store
    in our neighborhood -- every Starbucks,
    Dunkin Duane & Walgreen Chase.
    Frighten the hell out of everyone.

  5. Zaragosa is also home to the cutest kitty in the neighborhood. He's a tortoiseshell, but a boy (very unusual). I call him Kit-Kat. Does 7-Eleven have cats? No sir. Automatic lose.


  6. I wish you'd add the great guys who lost their Stuyvesant Grocery on 14th and A, because the greedy landlords jacked up their rent so high after the fire destroyed it. Their new small place is on 14th between A and 1st, close to 1st.

  7. If you really wanna "Frighten the hell out of everyone",
    how about a map of the buildings owned by these landlords/developers.

    Ben Shaoul-Magnum Management, Croman Realty-Steven Croman, Tower Brokerage- Bob Perl, Icon Realty-Terrence Lowenberg, Great Jones Realty-Donald Capoccia-BFC Partners, Corcoran Group Real Estate-Barbara Corcoran.

    Oh, and now Jared Kushner and his lovely wife Ivanka Trump.

  8. I won't be making the walk but yall have my word, no shopping at 7-11 for me, ever.

  9. I agree with the poster above who would like to see the guys who lost Stuyvesant Grocery get some traffic to their new little place on 14th between A and First Avenue. I walked by there just the other day and had to remind myself to stop in more often.

  10. @ 1:07 The corporates have a hold of us coming and going.
    And eating and sleeping.

  11. I've always wondered: Why are these convenience stores called "bodegas"? There's nothing particularly Spanish about them, as far as I can tell....inquiring minds want to know.

    - East Villager

  12. @rob 2:23

    and also of our art, artists and public spaces.

  13. Sorry to have missed it. Apparently noon means "early" to my body.

  14. Urban Dictionary defines bodega as a ghetto 7-11

  15. Back in the day, they originally were Hispanic owned places. Now, they can be Islamic, Korean, whatever, they will always be bodegas in our hearts. The bottom line, they were open doing Sandy, they are community based, they are non-corporate, their prices are lower, etc. etc. Support them, say FU to the 7-11 infestation.

  16. Crazy Eddie -- I'm sort of a purist when it comes to the word "bodega." The proprietors should be Puerto Rican or Dominican, the awning sign should be yellow with green lettering, and there should be a rather large salted cod prominently displayed in the deli case.
    That doesn't matter anymore. Everybody shop with the little guys, OK?

  17. Why are the jobs created by bodegas any more important than those created by 7-Eleven? I don't understand this cause at all.
    In fact, 7-Elevens are relatively clean and their exteriors are far nicer than the shitty old unkept facades of bodegas.

  18. The jobs created by bodegas are more important because they are feeding local, small business owners in our community as opposed to some millionaire with hundreds of stores. If you want sparkling clean and nice exteriors, most of NYC probably isn't the place to be. I've seen some pretty nasty 7-Elevens in my day anyway. Plus, what 7-Eleven is going to pay in rent will only give building owners in our neighborhood more of an incentive to to drive up rent making it impossible for our favorite East Village spots to stay. And yes, I totally agree with the person above that mentioned how our bodega's stayed open during Sandy. My bodega even GAVE me bread when the grocery stores had run out.

  19. I've been in 7-11's that smell really bad. Kind of a mix of rotting meat, sweat and bleach.


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