Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Report: Jared Kushner paid $49 million for 7 more Ben Shaoul-owned properties in the East Village

[118, 120 E. 4th St. via Massey Knakal]

Jared Kushner's East Village shopping spree continues. Last week, the developer (and New York Observer publisher) closed on a portfolio of 17 walk-up apartment buildings in the East Village for some $130 million, as The Real Deal first reported.

This afternoon, The Real Deal is reporting that Kushner bought seven more walk-up rental buildings for $49 million from developer Ben Shaoul's Magnum Real Estate and Meadow Partners.

The addresses: 118, 120-122, 195, 199, 201 and 203 East 4th Street.

Shaoul's renovations of 118 and 120 E. 4th Street prompted the start of the blog Occupy East 4th Street.

According to The Real Deal, Shaoul paid a combined total of $25.1 million for these seven properties in 2010 and 2011.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Ben Shaoul and company put East Fourth Street buildings on the market for $25 million

4 East Fourth Street apartment buildings hit market for $32 million

Rumors: Is Ben Shaoul selling his East Village properties?


  1. Its officially Dushner's world now, we're just living in it.

  2. Let's do some nasty porno posters with Kushner, his lovely wife and her daddy. Menaja twa.

  3. wonder how long before the Observer starts blaring headlines "East Village Hot again!)

  4. Hold on people. You are on your own. People in this area could give a rats ass about residents. Rosie Mendez will do nothing. Never has, never will do anything regarding this situation or any other situation in the East village. Sold her soul down the river. Don't be fooled.

    Stick together, call DOB, HPD, file an HP action, form a tenants association, take matters into your own hands......

  5. Shawn Chittle's comment on another Kushner thread was spot on. The NY State Attorney General should do a bribery investigation of the DOB immediately. You want to advance your political career, Mr. AG??

  6. Can we get media attention like we did for No 7-11. This is pure monopolizing. It is like the New Yorker profile of Christine Quinn's bid for mayor. Vile.

  7. Ugh!! And the New York magazine........!! Yikes!!

  8. "Let's do some nasty porno posters with Kushner, his lovely wife and her daddy. Menaja twa."

    I will volunteer to start a kickstarter for 10,000 stickers ASAP!

    Kushner/Trump, your awful lecherous presence is absolutely NOT welcome in the east village!!!

    You are scum - consider yourself on tocie to treat tenants RIGHT around here!!

  9. Wow in 2 years a 25 million dollar set of properties went up to almost 50 million?


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