Tuesday, February 5, 2013

RIP Arpad Miklos

Several media outlets are reporting today that Arpad Miklos, a gay porn superstar, has died. According to reports, he killed himself some time this past weekend. He was 45.

A reader said that Miklos, whose real name was Peter Kozma, lived on East Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

There have been several tributes, including this one from former co-star Colby Keller via Big Shoe Diaries (link NSFW):

While I don't pretend to fully know the rationale behind his decision, I can say that I've struggled myself with depression and suicide. Like any physically-demanding, socially-vexed form of labor, sex work isn't easy work — not least because of the stigma and meager income. You give a lot of yourself for what can seem like very little in return. It can take its toll emotionally. The naked body is a vulnerable body after-all. We should remember to celebrate Arpad, the sexy man behind the scenes and in front of the camera who gave so much of himself for our desire, and not condemn a choice privately considered and personally significant enough to result in such extreme measures.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends. He'll be sorely missed.

Miklos previously worked as a chemist in his native Hungary.

There are also posts about Miklos at The Huffington Post ... Pitchfork ... and Joe. My. God.

[Image via Pitchfork]


  1. Arpad was the epiome of gay sex. An icon in the business.

  2. His family must be heartbroken when i met him he was warm and kind he made me feel loved i miss him a lot rest in peace we will meet again

  3. I am sorry Peter (Arpad). You did excellent work in the gay porn industry, and I wish you nothing but the best.


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