Thursday, February 14, 2013

The New York Times apparently didn't like Pouring Ribbons

The New York Times checks in today with mini review of sorts on Pouring Ribbons, the bar on Avenue B (across from Mona's near East 14th Street) that opened last September. The place is from "veterans of Death & Company and Milk & Honey," the kind of place where you can order "Norwegian-inflected Hagar & Helga, which includes Linie Aquavit, dry Curaçao, cumin syrup and cinnamon bitters."

Never been to this place. Never planned on it. Anyway. Pretty brutal write-up. Like!

"[T]here’s little interest in conjuring a Prohibition-era ambience — or really much ambience of any kind."


While free of trite preciousness like gold damask wallpaper and birdcages, Pouring Ribbons’ plain décor and unflattering lighting offer minimal atmospherics.

And the description of the crowd:

A step above the Murray Hill bar crawl. Women wore Ann Taylor pashminas and matching cardigans, riding coats and corduroy blazers. Men looked comfortably frumpy in college hoodies, big button-downs and boot-cut denim. It’s an after-work congregation for those who have outgrown Bud Light-doused happy hours.


  1. Ouch! I still haven't been there, but that's pretty brutal.

  2. I'm grateful for bars like this one. It gives the pashminas a place to go.

  3. I've always found the crowd to be ok. Whatever, I still really like that place. They know how to make an old-fashion.

  4. I still miss Uncle Ming's.

  5. I don't usually hate on east village establishments, even if they are snooty cocktail lounges, but this was easily the worst place I've ever been. The crowd was terrible: frat-tastic with rampant douchebaggery and the bouncer was a d*ck. We were the only people dressed even vaguely classy in there (and I'm not saying I'm a classy guy), and the bartenders were slow and lacked skill. Overall: zero stars, and I would never go there again. I'd even rank Ella (which attracts a pretty douchey crowd itself) much higher than this place. Go around the corner to Louis for some real drinks.

  6. I am embarrassed to say that I tried this place after it opened on a Thursday night. My girlfriend and I dressed up. The bouncer said that they didn't have space to accommodate us. We foolishly waited 20 minutes, then were given the clearance to enter. We got upstairs, and there were 4 people in the bar.

    We turned around and left and went to Mona's for $3 pints of Guinness.

  7. "Grand opening, grand closing!" - Chris Rock

  8. Wait, we hate pashminas now? I can't keep up. Can I still be your friend, EVG?

  9. Hey Ben Detrick, if you don’t like the new EV, move to Suburbia!

    "Ich bin ein Murray Hillers”

  10. @ anon 10:24

    Please try to keep up. Pashminas are sooooo January 2013!

    And yes — we can still be friends!

  11. This review pretty much sums-up most the bars that are popping-up in the EV. Are there any bars that aren't a step above, below, or up to par with the Murray Hill bar douchebag crowds esp. on the weekends? Even the "classy" bars are just douchebag bars underneath.

  12. "A step above the Murray Hill bar crawl. Women wore Ann Taylor pashminas and matching cardigans, riding coats and corduroy blazers. Men looked comfortably frumpy in college hoodies, big button-downs and boot-cut denim. It’s an after-work congregation for those who have outgrown Bud Light-doused happy hours."

    What kind of pretentious lazy college journalism fuckery is this. The Times is a good paper but jeez, take the stick out your ass, talk like normal people.

  13. Haaaaaa
    Boot cut denim!
    Screw this place and all others like it.
    White Noise was AWESOME - RIP!!!
    SAVE the ROCK & ROLL.....

    and SAVE the RATS while we're at it!

    NOT OK for places like Motor City to be unceremoniously kicked to the curb by their landlords while places like this douche-hole are allowed to open. Also, Pouring Ribbons???
    Wtf is that even supposed to mean?

    How about:
    Raining Losers

    That's much more apt.

  14. I love boot cut denim. Otherwise my leg holes are too small to lay over my shoes in any comfortable way.

    So I refuse to agree that "boot cut denim" is a pejorative.

    Comfort over style every day.

  15. 9:47 AM

    That Meatpacking type attitude (lines even when empty) just won't fly in a place like Pouring Ribbons (or in the EV in general).

    Even the most obnoxious "lounges with dancing" in the EV don't try to pull that crap.

    The owner needs to have a talk with that bouncer.

  16. @ anon 11:43

    I can't tell the difference between "boot cut" and "relaxed" from afar!

  17. The only jeans I know are Wrangler, Lee, and Carhartt. But then again the last one has been a hipster fashion outfit. And yet an inexpensive item intentionally used for insulation and protection of the body, now being sold 3X+ because of it's now "hip" and "cool". Nothing is safe. Hey, maybe if one wears pashmina and Carhartt jeans to this Pouring Douches, the bouncer and bartenders will be attentive to them.

  18. The bouncer is a total dick.

  19. This "review" reminds me how much I hate the almighty NYTimes. Why not pick on someone who deserves it, like Ravi DeRossi, who has a lot to answer for filling the neighborhood with pretentiousness. Were there any more repercussions for him turning a bakery into a bar?

  20. I want a hit piece about David McWater, one overlord of the East Village, right up there with Ben and Jared.

  21. Or an article on how CB 3 caved on SPURA and is now sworn to secrecy on what will exactly be built on a site that once provided affordable housing to working-class immigrants. Sounds like the developers are now controlling the process and the public members appointed by CB 3 Chair have no power to do anything.

  22. @Anon 9:47 hahaha did u ask the bouncer where everyone was hiding? Maybe he got confused and thought it was still a bakery.

  23. hahaha!! did the same thing..went the Thursday after opening and the bouncer had to CALL upstairs...upon entering the place it was EMPTY! never went back since..not a fan snooty places especially on Ave B!


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