Today is Good Friday,
"a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary." (Because someone always asks.) And some area worshipers took to the streets for the "Way of the Cross" procession, as these photos by
Barbara L. Hanson show...
...the procession includes a little flogging...
... it was busy on East Houston and Avenue B... as the procession from two different churches intersected here...
Is that what all that racket is? Someone playing a trumpet that sounds like he's strangling a dog and some lady preaching in Spanish?
poor deluded fools...
AA, I'll pray for you! :)
..........and they bowed and prayed to the neon god they made...
Blind Fools!!!!!!!!!!
Grieve, Are those your arrows in the bottom picture? You're getting good at that, it almost looks like they're part of the photo.
@ shmnyc
Yes, thanks! I'm taking an advanced arrow class on the Internet!
C- work, Grieve.
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