Thursday, March 7, 2013

Analyzing Astor Place's mystery artwork

Well, this was sitting by the Cube this morning at Astor Place. (Via Twitter around 8 a.m.)

Another angle via @bomarrblog...

Guesses at what this is supposed to be included... Ziggy, a Cheeto/Cheeseball, a nipple and a gift for Emperor Palpatine.


  1. Is that Lady Gaga™?

    (Has that been retired or sooooo 2010/11?)

  2. @ esquared™

    Hmm, will bring this up during our Editorial Board retreat this weekend in Dhoni Mighili, Maldives.

  3. Oooh, corporate retreat. Make sure the board makes the editorial team play that game where they make human box around the editor (preferably dressed as Lady Gaga) and run around the field keeping the box intact as s/he moved. Yay teamwork.

  4. Horrid harbinger of a Peep onslaught that is soon to arrive.

  5. It looks like a large orange puppet head, with the jaw unfinished and missing its eyes.

  6. It’s the offspring of the Mystery Lot’s ET. Like everyone else, he going to NYU. I heard he lives with 5 other roommates in Stuy Town. Palpatine was made his Godfather so show some respect.

  7. I also think it looks like a peep :) microwave it and watch it explode!

  8. Yeah, saw this the day before yesterday.. I wonder if it is art or just refuse that got blown there since it doesn't seem to be complete.
    When it comes to art these days its hard to tell the difference.

  9. Yeah, I've heard of Mother Earth, but this is ridiculous.


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