Monday, March 18, 2013

Resident asks, What can I do about those 2 dogs left outside all day on 7th Street?

A note from a reader:

"I live next door to Cafe 81 on 7th Street and lately there have been two dogs left outside all day inside the fenced in area. They bark all day long. They're small dogs, but they're very loud and annoying. Sometimes a woman comes out of the building and gives them food and water, but mostly they're just out there alone. I've called 311 a few times, but nothing has changed. It's bad for the neighbors trying to get some peace and it's bad for these poor dogs. E.V. Grieve, can you and your readers please do something!!!"

The reader followed up later yesterday.

"An angry woman screamed out the window to Shut those dogs up! And someone came out and took the dogs in. Hopefully for good!"

Given the location, I'm surprised that no one has thrown a shamwow at the dogs.

Also, Cafe 81 has been closed now for months, as noted previously...

Previously on EV Grieve:
At Cafe 81, you'd better be quiet or someone will throw a shamwow at you


  1. While I agree that it's bad for the neighbors who are just trying to get some peace and quiet, I'm failing to see how being outside is bad for the dogs.

  2. Dogs are social animals. They aren't meant to be locked outside all day. It's neglect.

  3. What if the dogs are regularly visited and given attention while kept outside? There are plenty of breeds of dogs who prefer to be outside, digging in the dirt, checking out passer-bys, etc. Keeping a dog inside all the time is abusive as it goes against their nature.

  4. You need to call Animal Care & Control. If the dogs are left outside for an extended period of time without shelter in the cold, it's animal abuse. AC&C can take the dogs and the ASPCA's Humane Law Enforcement can investigate and possibly charge the owners with animal abuse.

  5. Uhhhh because its fucking 39 degrees outside

  6. Yes but if the dogs are taken by Animal Care and Control, they'll likely be euthanized if the owner cannot get them back. They euthanize dozens of dogs and cats everyday, they're not the place to call to help solve this particular issue. This may not be a case of neglect, the owner just needs the problem brought to their attention so that they keep the dogs inside from now on.

  7. Anon 8:41 Uhhhh, many breeds of dogs have survived outside for millions of years and have evolved to be just fine in far far colder conditions than 39. In fact, keeping them cooped up inside (in a small NYC apartment no less) is tantamount to animal cruelty.

    Hell, many humans have adapted to be fine in far below 39 so let's not project onto animals the idea that since we're cold and have become complete wimps about it that they are too. Thinking animals must do and have as we as humans have is specist, and I'm not a huge fan of specism.

  8. are the dogs shih tzus? i believe the owner of those dogs is THAT old guy who always hangs out in the building's stairway. he lives in the same building too, btw.

  9. Anon 9:58 I don't think any dog or human thinks being tied to a bench outside is the same thing as enjoying the great outdoors

  10. The dogs are out there right now! Barking like crazy. If they liked being outside, would they bark for hours and hours? It's driving me crazy too!

    Yeah, they're shitzus.


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