Tuesday, April 16, 2013

NYPD looking for suspect who groped 9-year-old girl in the East Village Sunday afternoon

The NYPD released the above sketch of a man who allegedly groped a 9-year-old girl on the buttocks about 4:45 p.m. within the 9th Precinct, DNAinfo reported. (Police did not divulge the location of the incident.

Per the report:

The suspect is believed to be in his 30s or 40s, weighs about 240 pounds, and is approximately 5-foot-9-inches tall, police said. He is described as having black hair with grey streaks, cops said. He was last seen wearing blue long-sleeve shirt, dark jeans, and white metal wire-rimmed glasses.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477).

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