Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why (some) people aren't wearing shoes now in Tompkins Square Park

As this photo by EVG regular Steve Carter shows, it's One Day Without Shoes...

Per the ODWS site:

One Day Without Shoes is our day to bring global awareness to children's health and education by going without shoes.


  1. Seems like a nice way to attract disease.

  2. ... Excuse me while I go buy stock in anti-fungal cream companies ...

  3. don't step on a needle!

  4. I get the point of awareness but it's not safe to go without shoes in this city.

  5. And No Pants Subway Ride is to bring global awareness and attention to the hipster adultlescent's selves. One Day Without pants -- leaving their talentless, pseudo-creative, wanna-be city types, sterilized, homogenized, organic, artisanal, smug ass print behind.


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