Saturday, April 20, 2013

What, pray tell, is this on Second Avenue?

And then there's this ... spotted by EVG reader David Kelly this morning on Second Avenue near East 10th Street...

Any ideas? What it is? Maybe a former Thirsty Scholar? Too many Pigs in a Blanket at Alder?


And does it compare to the discovery of Pushcart Jesus St. Lazarus?


  1. Hmmm.. a Town Crier?

    Ben Franklin poring over the 16 Handles menu?

  2. (sigh) Lady Gaga?

    (First post! WOOOOO! This is going to be an exciting Sat. morning!)

  3. The m15 isn't that slow.

  4. Hehehhee, I had beaten you to it anon 10:45.

  5. Grrr. Clearly I spent too much time working on my snappy, clever post, anon 12:02.

    Hey... wait a minute!
    AC's post is even snappier and cleverer than mine!
    Aw, this Sat. sucks. I'm going back to bed.

  6. That's why I don't go uptown...weird things happen there.

  7. Ken from Ken's KitchenApril 20, 2013 at 6:00 PM

    Isn't that Tony Whittle?

  8. The boy is holding a piece of paper ...

    Something is written on it ... a single mysterious word ... JIMJOE

    Maybe that's a clue ?!?

  9. That San lazaro used to be in the botanica on rivington that's a hardware store now, was this a recent picture? I remember it being there since the 80's

  10. The bottom photo is recent — 2010.


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