Well! A tipster passes along this well-maintained Christmas-holiday tree spotted yesterday on Second Avenue and East Sixth Street... with some smartphone proof for Authentication purposes...
... and via OlympiasEpiriot ... the beauty made it through the night...

Looks like this is all legit in our estimation, though it's not ultimately up to us. Gruber MacDougal, spokesperson for the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring and Summer (ICTTSS), is currently in the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport for unknown reasons.
And thanks to EVG reader Steve for this shot too...
How soon before it rolls into the bus lane?
I CALL A FAKE! This is obviously just Treeman getting deep into his character.
I think Eden Bee is on to something. Haven't seen tree man in quite a while. But I did see Hippie Lou..he got his own website now.
I saw this at approximately 2PM on Saturday. Is there any chance Gruber will split the reward based on my claim alone? Or will my failure to obtain photographic proof finally push me to get that smartphone I've been railing against all these years
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