Monday, July 15, 2013

Marshal seizes former LaVie space on East First Street

La Vie on East First Street shut for good last month following an ongoing battle with neighbors over a variety of quality-of-life issues... Neighbors had long complained that La Vie was operating as a club under the guise of a restaurant.

As we first reported on June 11,
the 1st Department of the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court upheld the revocation of La Vie's liquor license. Although that decision was handed down on June 6, the club remained open until at least June 15.

For several days after that, workers cleaned out the space... and last week, the marshal seized the storefront ...turning the space over to the landlord...

Just a formality, but one that made several neighbors happy.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] La Vie closed for now on East First Street

New York Supreme Court upholds revocation of La Vie's liquor license

La Vie has closed; neighbors rejoice

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