So there's this. A tipster shared this Craigslist post dated July 28 ... Per the all-caps post, it's a "GREAT DISPLAY RACK AND CONVERSATION STARTER."
Seeing as it's Craiglist, you never know if this is for real... Also, the address for pick-up is the St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery.
In any event, not sure if this would start a conversation as much as stifle it...

Not just a great conversation starter, but perfect for when the conversation runs dry: "Did you hear about the Bud Light Lime Display Tree that was painstakingly reconstructed in my extra atelier?" is both interesting and informative.
This may prompt me to sell my Bud Light Chelada neon sign.
Yo wizzles and slampigs! That's dope deckeratin. I had three. Put em in my neighbros driveway and set them on fire. #hailsatan Comeon over tonight and I'll do my hotdog dance and make some soup and girled cheese for you uglies. #mmmmmmgood #lowercaserules
What a waste of limes.
high tops living a lower case life party is off. don't feel like cooking grisly cheeks sandwiches for y'all tonight. bustin out the 505 to lay some tracks for my new rap album The Notorious P.U.S.S. #slappinitback #nypd #youreallwizzles #still
but I'll still be hot dog dancing on the fire escape. bring dope #highonlife #melloyellow
I used to mock Bud as well, and most Bud products are swill, but I have to admit, Bug Light Lime is quite refreshing.
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