Sunday, August 11, 2013

Nestor still hasn't come home

Previously. And here.


  1. Can you interview Tim? I want to know more about the puppet and how he lost it. Did it drop out of a bag and he didn't notice? Or did he put it down and walk away and then it was gone? I don't know why, but I am curious and want to know more.

  2. I did email Tim the other day. For starters, I wanted to make sure that this was legit – and not some lame viral marketing attempt.

    He assured me that the flyers were for real.


    "I had a bunch of things with me going into where I'm staying and left nestor outside for a few minutes. And then he was gone."

  3. I found a blue puppet, but its name was Bob.

  4. I'm sorry but the owner sounds kind of dopey. Who leaves ANYTHING of value outside for even a moment?

  5. 500 clams or Nesator buys the farm....

  6. News flash! Just because every other store is a 16 Handles or Subway doesn't mean the city isn't a city. Common sense people. With that being said I hope you get your muppet back.

  7. Tim, like so many others, I thought this was a hoax and I'm truly sorry about the loss of Nestor and hope he is returned to you safe and sound. One never knows what new stupidity one will find stapled to a pole and most are not only not to be taken seriously, but the postees need psychological help in a big way! People will steal a bag of dog shit if left out on the sidewalk and I'm sorry Nestor was the victim of a crime perpetrated by someone who most likely has much less stuffing between his/her ears than your beloved Nestor. That being said, if the thief is reading this, give Tim back his damn cute puppet!

  8. Whether it a commercially made puppet or a hand made one [then you'd have the pattern] its easier to make a new one.
    The sentimentality that are attached to an object are memories,and thats something you can't lose [outside of injuries or doing insane amounts of drugs, of course]

  9. Not to mention, you should have seen what Nestor was wearing. He was practically begging for it.


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