Saturday, August 17, 2013

No more corny Summer Streets headlines until next summer, probably

Today is, sadly or not, the last Summer Smurf Streets Saturday (SSS!) ... your last chance to enjoy a car-free Fourth Avenue (among other streets) ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Takin' it to the streets like the Doobie Brothers

Summer loving had me a blast, Summer loving happened so fast


  1. I showed up yesterday for stupid summer streets, fucking thing sucked ass. Pardon my language. Gridlock, plus an additional big logjam near GCT, people weaving all around, no clue about "pass on the left". I was out after about ten blocks. Never again! I know it's a moot point because it's over now, but come next year--never again!! This thing was fun when it first started but at this point, way too many people.


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