Friday, August 16, 2013

Modern Love

And now, the Modern Lovers with "She Cracked" ... from the band's first record in 1976, though Jonathan Richman wrote the song in 1972... not sure exactly when the video was filmed...


  1. It dates back to `76, I believe:

  2. The Philosophical ZombieAugust 16, 2013 at 9:32 PM

    One of my top top top favorite songs of one of my top top top favorite bands! Very nostalgic for me as I drove Route 128 and hung out in Boston a lot as a kid.

  3. Great song. I love their first album. Talking Heads owes a lot to the Modern Lovers. Not just Jerry Harrison's keyboards. David Byrne's guitar sound comes from Jonathan Richman.

  4. I think the film is by Warhol, might just be an old Factory video someone put to the song.


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