Friday, August 16, 2013

Occupy the Empty Space's Benefit for MoRUS tonight

Meant to post this a lot sooner... in case you're around tonight...

BENEFIT PERFORMANCE FOR MoRUS (Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space)
Occupy the Empty Space: Public Space is a Human Right

Friday, August 16 8-10 PM

Gallery Space CICNN151 (151 Avenue C) adjacent to MoRUS

Occupy the Empty Space is proud to produce its first benefit performance for MoRUS, the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space. We look forward to seeing you at Occupy the Empty Space: Public Space is a Human Right, on Friday, August 16, 2013, for an exciting lineup of plays, performance art, live music, and teach-ins from MoRUS Staff and Friends, celebrating the vital and creative community of MoRUS and public space advocacy!

Heres the Facebook event page with more details and a list of the performers.

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