A look at the bell towers at the doomed Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church on East 12th Street via EVG reader Ruth... from last night (above) and this morning...

Workers have prepped the church for demolition to make way for a new residential complex.
I'm just sick about this. And as I walk past every day, and see a little bit more destruction, I'm constantly reminded just how wrong this is.
From the time he was a young boy, until he was in his mid 20's, my father, his siblings, and my grandparents all lived and grew up on E. 11th St between 1st & 2nd Ave. This was their church. As a result, many of my relatives from the early to mid 1900's were baptized here, were married here and had their funerals here. And this is just one family's story.
There is so much combined history attached to that parish for so many, many neighborhood families. And yet, in spite of that, there is so little regard on the part of the real estate developers for the things that are truly important both to individuals, and to the neighborhood as a whole. So much for the greater good...
And all for the sake of the almighty dollar and more "luxury" housing.
This is a fu**ing travesty!
Thank you for sharing that, Patrick...
And I'm sorry it took so long to have that comment posted — it ended up in the SPAM folder for some reason.
The noise from the demolition today is INSANE.
can only say oh my god. is the catholic church going broke or something.
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