Friday, September 6, 2013

Behold the undersea world of Rite Aid on Avenue D

After transforming the exterior walls of the First Avenue Rite Aid into an outdoor scene... The Royal Kingbee UW, a Bronx-born graffiti artist, turned his attention to the Avenue D outpost this week ... now with an underwater theme...

Above photos by Bobby Williams.

Meanwhile, Goggla, who admirably served as our EVG Senior First Avenue Rite Aid Correspondent, received a promotion to Rite Aid Associate Photo Editor... and promptly shared these...


  1. I am officially a Rite Aid convert.

  2. Time to raise your game, Chico.

  3. Look at this trove, treasures untold
    How many wonders can one cavern hold?
    Looking around here, you'd think
    sure, she's got everything.

    I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
    I've got who's-its and what's-its galore. You want thing-a-mabobs?
    I've got twenty.
    But who cares? No big deal. I want more.

  4. That artwork is gorgeous!

    But please, do not become entranced by the pretty colors.. shop the smaller local stores whenever you can. RiteAid is yet another chain that has no real roots in the community.

  5. whoever did that is a true artist.

  6. @sam_the_man:
    I was thinkin' the same thing....!!!!!!
    On a much more important note, Rite Aid is not dog friendly and since the renovation they got rid of the post near the door to tie her up.
    I'm not ranting or pissed off, just sayin'.

  7. That mural is way cooler than the one on east 5th. That one is all giant lice and bedbugs in a forest of special deals on halloween candy.

  8. Hmm, doesn't one of the RiteAid walls get tagged quite frequently? I wonder how long the artwork will last.

  9. Nice artwork - gives it a much better fit in the 'hood...BUT - it is still a chain with no ties to the people as was mentioned in a previous post quite accurately. Look at the flash work here - but SHOP LOCAL! I'm really happy a local artist (da Bronx in da house!) got to do this and get some work. Respect and thanks

  10. The mural is great. And Rite Aid serves a purpose- like decent beer prices. I love to shop local, but that means paying $20 for a 6-pack.

  11. Looks like they're preparing for the next hurricane.

  12. BJ, then you are not allowed to Grieve when another local EV place shuts down. Your "cheap prices versus local shops" attitude is basically why this site even exists!


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