Friday, September 6, 2013

Community facility space available on East 7th Street

In case you're in the market for some community-faciltiy space... there's a new listing for 52 E. Seventh St. just east of Second Avenue. Per Massey Knakal:

This lower level space features an open layout ... It also has a rear yard area available to the tenant. Given the zoning, it would be ideal for a religious, medical, or educational facility, among other uses. Following its recent renovation, it now offers ample electricity and would be ready for possession in the immediately. Additionally, the surrounding neighborhood features a vibrant community with favorable demographics.

[Ed note: Favorable demographics to what?]

Per the listing, neighboring tenants include Subway and 7-Eleven.

Price is available upon request...


  1. "ample electricity" Wow. That's fucking refreshing. None of that gaslight shit here folks...

  2. Hey that's my building. Landlord reports that the zoning probably doesn't allow restaurants or retail. Most likely will be an office of some sort. Maybe, fingers crossed, a gallery or something actually interesting if they can afford the $$$ (prob not though).

    Fun fact: famed Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei lived in this basement apartment in the late 80's.

  3. Link to compendium of Ai Weiwei's little-known NY photographs. great stuff. Shot of 52 E7 near the bottom.

  4. about a gallery?

    speaking of same, the way long ago location of Fun Gallery (on E. 11th behind St. Marks Church) is now a laundromat, as of this week...


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