Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Retail space for renovated 205 Avenue A seeks $10k monthly

[EVG file photo]

As we've been noting, 205 Avenue A between East 12th Street and East 13th Street received a two-floor extension courtesy of developer Terrence Lowenberg and architect Ramy Issac. The construction wrap came off in July ...

... and now, the retail portion of the building is on the market...

A few details from the listing:

Occupancy: Immediate
Retail Space total:
700sq – Ground Floor
400sq — Basement

$10,000 Per Month

Ground Floor - 11ft

20ft on Avenue A

No word just yet on the residential floors of 205.

Previously on EV Grieve:
2 additional floors coming to 205 Avenue A; another Lowenberg-Issac production

205 Avenue A primed for 2 new floors

Is the under-renovation 205 Avenue A already too tall?


  1. What is with all these architects' obsession with gray stone!?? Couldn't they have used reddish/clay-colored stone to match the original facade and surrounding buildings!? It really aggravates me!

    And yes, it's too damn tall. That top floor kills the congruence with the rest of the buildings.

    Good luck renting out the space.

  2. All they did was paint the brick dark charcoal gray with black accents.

    Maybe they are hoping for a funeral parlor to open in the commercial space!

  3. Maybe a Halloween store could rent this space, the coloring is ideal. Seriously looks like the illustration is hinting at another sports bar for frat boys and girls to get drunk all day on weekends. I am curious to what the commercial rents are for spaces to the left and right of this building. My guess is no yoga studio here in the near future.

  4. Ah, battleship gray, the color of conformity.

  5. I think it looks pretty good. Way better than rhose Ben Shaoul add-ons. There's a cornice even! & details in the brickwork was kept.
    and at least it's not some pastel or primary color. Too dark for my taste & I'm sure will be sweltering in the summer.

  6. This is among the least offensive renovations I've seen. It blends in, looks normal. Nothing to complain about except for the certainty of a new bar trying to open for $10,000/month to replace SuperDive's gaping absence.

  7. @ Jill

    Probably too much $$ for my zine/used cassette shop.

    Maybe an egg shop?


  8. Season 1 episode 6 of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy was filmed in a ground floor apt and backyard here but the episode is not available anywhere that I can find. Mystery?

  9. It would be a prime location for a late night biscuit shop!


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