EVG contributor Michael Sean Edwards shared some recent photographs with us from around the neighborhood… and we're sharing them with you… (click on image to enlarge, yes)

Through the years, we posted some of the 1970s-1980s photography of Michael Sean Edwards (like here ... and here) Find more of Michael's photos here.
Fantastic stuff!
Cool images. I do want to say that the old woman sleeping in front of the Lotto is currently in the hospital. She has been a fixture outside the Polish Deli forever. She apparently has lived in the Nabe since childhood.
These are great! And wtf is up with that snake!!!
@ VH
I was wondering that myself! Curious where it came from...
Sorry to hear that. I haven't seen her in a little while...
Awwww! shades of Bob Arihood's storytelling. Great photos.
Stunning. As a fellow EV photog, I absolutely LOVE seeing how other people view the 'hood, and capture it. Great work!
I'm guessing the shot of the pool players was taken in Lucy's?
@ anon 9:49
great photographs !
Great shots. That's my bus stop up there -- 6th and D.
The firehouse on 2nd Street has had that snake for years.
Great photos!
One turns blue after waiting in line for those mouthwatering-you-could-eat-it-off-the-floor biscuits.
I'll have what the guy at Lucy's is having.
Long live Bob Arihood.
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