Saturday, December 14, 2013



  1. Ugh...getting dangerous out there. Call 311 to lodge complaints!

  2. If you rearrange the letters in SantaCon it spells "Satan Con." This cannot be just a coincidence.
    #santacon #EVPukeFest #DouchebagParadise

  3. Doing errands....Just overheard the first rape joke of the day.

  4. Just went out to get milk & some lunch. Four women were arguing with the guy at Muzzarella on Ave A whether they paid or not. Stepped out the door & saw 5 other woman walk right in to the middle of traffic to try & hail down a cab. They were in their pajamas BTW. And then saw a half dozen people drinking beer on the sidewalk outside Horsebox - with an NYPD half a block away with the cop sitting warming in his van doing nothing.

  5. The locals should boycott any bar that participates in Santacon.

  6. 3:19, did you alert that cop to the people drinking outside of Horsebox? I hope so. We can't just observe and whine. We have to ACT and report such things to the authorities!

  7. Good sentiment, 3:19 PM, however these bars cater to the bridge and tunnelers and out of the residents despite on what they claim to be otherwise, such as The Library, Doc Holliday's Lunasa, Finnerty's..., thus boycotting them is futile and won't even make a dent in their profit margin. Also, Santacon, which originated as an anti-cosumerism activity, is more profitable in terms of alcohol sales than St. Patrick's Day, per bar owners. Organizers of this event should have this in Hoboken or in Islip next time. That's where most of the participants are from anyway.

  8. Hoboken was inundated with Santas last Saturday, per friends who live there... West Village was pretty thick w/ Santas too, this afternoon... they're everywhere!!!


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