Tuesday, February 4, 2014

CB3 hosting program about loans for small business owners

Tomorrow night, CB3's Economic Development Committee will host a presentation for small business owners who have been unable to secure loans.

Per the agenda item:

Elevating Entrepreneurs: Philanthropic program of UBS Community Affairs & Corporate Responsibility, Americas. The initiative provides 3 components for entrepreneurs and small business owners: access to capital (as realized through lending facilities such as the Tri-State and Chicagoland Business Opportunity Funds); small business mentoring; and networking & education events and activities.

Here's a fact sheet (PDF!) with more information.

The meeting is in the Village View Community Room, 175 E. 4th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue. 6:30 pm.


  1. Is it April Fools day already? This has to be a joke.

  2. @ anon 3:42

    Ugh! Sorry. 6:30. I added.

  3. Don't take loans from business like UBS that are not in your neighborhood. Try a credit union or kickstarter instead. Wall st makes loans to take over your business from you.


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