Wednesday, February 5, 2014

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Tompkins Square Park via Grant Shaffer]

East Village artist Martin Wong's collection of graffiti art now at the Museum of the City of New York (The Associated Press via Newsday)

Remembering Rene Ricard (Hotel Chelsea Blog)

Roy Colmer, who photographed more than 3,000 New York doors in the mid-1970s, has died (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Q-and-A with Cari Luna, author of "The Revolution of Every Day" (Brooklyn Based)

Barramundi will close to reinvent itself on Ludlow Street (BoweryBoogie)

'inoteca closes on Rivington Street this weekend (Eater)

Water main break on the LES this morning (The Lo-Down)

Thanks to the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation for this post on EVG (Off the Grid)

...and, given our well-known affinity for intricate, handcrafted balloon dresses... EVG reader Gregory Patrick shares this photo from Professor Thom's on Second Avenue... where there was a Valentine's Day-related photo shoot for Dragon Fly Productions the other day ...


  1. Thanks Goggla!

    It was a nice surprise...

  2. Wouldn't it be great if that intricate handcrafted balloon dress were on display in the lobby of 51 Astor Place instead of what's currently there?

  3. Oh, and congrats from me too. I just took it for granted because I take it for granted everyone already knows how great you are!

  4. The balloon artist is Emily Season...the model is Janelle Jonna. I hear they have plans for a big balloon sculpting event in lower Manhattan this spring...


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