On Friday, workers installed a new sign for St. Brigid-St. Emeric …
Meanwhile, the cross that the church put out here on the corner of Avenue B and East Eighth Street two weeks ago made it through this holy season without being tagged, stolen, etc.

A reader seriously asked us if the plastic casing was bulletproof. We really have no way of checking that.
Updated 10:30 a.m.
Jesus is now inside the plastic casing.

Even churches are co-locating! Is St Emeric a charter church?
AHAH....but THINK of the Off-Off-Bowery theatre potential here :
"Bullets Over Brigid's"
Act 1 ; Scene 1:
It was a blazingly quiet Easter morning in the Village......hawks were stretching in their nests.....NYU students were (already) in their cups.....and Ray was crankin' out the Holy Egg Creams.....when all of a sudden....
.....three figures of indeterminate age/sex/proclivities approach the newly-installed, glass-enclosed Easter Crucifix in front of St. Brigid's Church.....wearing white hoodies, Lulumon stretchies, and disco-throwback in-line skates....
.....it's the finally-snapped chroniclers of Village destruction and birth EVG, Jeremiah and Alex.....and they are NOT HAPPY.....in fact, they are VERY pissed-off because they did NOT find the special Record Day Dead Kennedys EP release on Easter Saturday.....AND they've lost their cool over the latest set of architectural drawings of new Village construction that resembles a shoe-box set on end.....AND the weather isn't good enough for topless protesters yet....
.....AND they're packin' paint guns......
(In tribute to Mickey Rooney's passing.....
"C'mon folks.....let's put on a show!" )
Ha. Well, you shouldn't have any problem securing financing for this one!
What is printed on the paper taped to the Plexiglas?
@ anon 3:31 -
The paper says,
(If you lived here, you'd be home by now.)
It says "This Space for Rent".
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