Saturday, June 7, 2014

The latest edition of the 10th Street Free Press

[Click on image to enlarge]

Between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue … site of the doomed one-level structure.

Check out the archives at Jeremiah's Vanishing New York for more on The Scribbler (prior to the 10th Street Free Press branding).


  1. Have we just veered into oncoming anti-semitism?

  2. Anony 12.45 PM. I caught a whiff as well. Must be careful with the charge, since people opposed to Netanyahu's policies but are generally pro Israel (as I am) are routinely slapped as anti-Semites.

  3. Amy Schumer wants to take our freedums?

  4. The only thing Amy Schumer wants is you "innocence"

  5. The Scribbler speaks for most "East Villagers".

  6. Marxist Meandering's (sic)

    Any person describing Schumer (that's how it's spelled, btw.)as a Marxist needs another 15 years of rudimentary education. Just because you know how to affix a pamphlet to a lamp-post doesn't mean you're not a complete IDIOT.

  7. Ken from Ken's KitchenJune 8, 2014 at 10:59 AM

    Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg were executed for passing atomic secrets to the former Soviet Union in the 1950s. Accusations that Mr Wall Street himself, Sen Chuck Schumer, is guilty of similar "Marxist meanderings" could only come from an extreme hard right nutbag. The use of Democrat Party is also a giveaway.

    Hard right wingers don't typically imply left wing commie traitors = Jewish conspiracy any more because anti-Semitism is no longer tolerated so it's bad for business. And because of their devotion to the right wing Likud party running Israel. But it's still there lurking under the surface in the movement directly descended from John Birch as this piece of nasty weird demonstrates.

  8. 10:59 so convoluted and wrong. The writer is referring to Schumers attempts to limit corporate and private political financial support while continuing to allow same from traditionally leftist sources such as unions. Thus the free speech elimination accusation. The Rosenberg bit is inference of the far-left/Commmunist aspect of the Democratic party.
    Reaching around for anti-Semitism everywhere, even when it does not apply, only makes it easier to ridicule you if you speak out against actual anti-Semitism.

  9. schizophrenia is sad.


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