We pointed out a few weeks ago that The Jefferson's retail space at 216 E. 14th St. near Third Avenue would be home to a CityMD practice.
Anyway, just wanted to point out that the sign is up now for City MD ... "Chop Chop Yow?"
Rejected headlines:
Doctor, doctor, give me the news — I have a bad case of blogging you
Previously on EV Grieve:
Jefferson retail façade — revealed
The Mystery Lot developers using famous dead comedians to sell condos at The Jefferson
The Jefferson reveals what '21st Century living in the heart of Olde New York' costs
CityMD Urgent Care center coming to The Jefferson's retail space on East 14th Street
This is making me cry a lot more than an onion could
Knife wounds are no joking matter. F-ing a-holes.
Doesn't "Chop Chop Yow" sound like a Chinese restaurant?
I was sure they were splitting the space between an asian eatery and MD's who eat your wallet until I got closer, YES!
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