Via the EVG inbox yesterday...
Starting Monday, November 24, you can have a beer with your meal at 3 St. Marks Pl. 12oz Heineken Light Bottles and 12oz Brooklyn Lager Cans will be available to start, with new items being added each season.
The beer will be available Sunday through Thursday from 11:00AM – 10:00PM and Friday & Saturday from 11:00AM – 11:00PM. You must purchase a food item off the menu to buy and enjoy a beer.
Unlike the other Papaya and Hot Dog copycat restaurants in New York City, Papaya King on St. Marks Pl. is more than a grab and go location. With a giant projection screen along the back wall, old school arcade games in the front, foosball in the back, loud music and a long picnic table down the middle, it is a place to rub elbows with your friends, neighbors, classmates and someone new.
The Papaya King owners were turned down for a beer license back in May 2013. According to CB3 documents, the St. Mark's Block Association and 8 St. Mark's Tenants' Association submitted letters and testimony in opposition to this application.
CB3 again turned down their application in September 2013, citing a failure "to provide substantial community support from area residents." While five people spoke out in support of the license, only one of them actually lived within the CB3 boundaries, according to CB3 documents.
So it looks as if Papaya King made some concessions, cutting back the proposed hours for beer sales. (They originally wanted to sell beer until 4 a.m. Thursday through Sundays.)
Papaya King opened in the East Village in May 2013. Papaya King opened on East 86th Street in 1932.
I have a soft spot for this place and I don't even eat meat!
I doubt selling drugs will help the long term prospects of this place
Alcohol is the new heroin.
A hot dog and a beer, that's a hard to beat combo.
They have veggie dogs too and lots of good toppings. If they don't have the veggie dog any of the local Grays Papayas, Papaya Kings or Sabrett stands will make you a homeless hotdog, which is the bun and all the fillings without the dog inside, and they usually charge half price.
I wish people would be consistent. You complain about suburbanizatoon but suppport these hours of service regarding beer. Its ridiculous. Seems the hood is getting old. No noise after 10 right? Just.because you scored a rent stabilized placs in 82 doesn't mean the EV has to go along. Maybe there are so many rite aid places is due to the aging population. Maybe you go to bed at 10. I'm 43 and I don't. What happened to nyc? Maybe some pf.you should stop blaming the bros. Grab your cane and amble over to a mirror.
Word ot the day: suburbanizatoon
1. To turn a once vibrant urban environment into a suburbanized cartoon version of it's former self.
ex.: With the recent addition of orange and black tiger stripes to the Korilla BBQ building and the fun-house reflections emanating from the Death Star, St. Mark's Place has been completely suburbanizatooned.
1:47m thank you. Thank you again.
@1:47pm: You sound like a case of arrested development. I give you about 5 more years before YOU will be one of those old farts.
i miss grey's papaya. they were the best!
Love how you cant dispute what I said so you mock me and my comments - but am I wrong? I love how comments are not supposed to flame or attack - unless you have a different opinion then I guess its ok-
Hey EV grieve- care to respond?
please be consistent thank you
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