As noted yesterday... at 3 St. Mark's Place...
Who is going to be The King's first customer in the East Village? Doors open at 10am. #thekingisreadytorock #eastvillage #puredeliciousness
— Papaya King (@Papaya_King) May 9, 2013
We thought Paul Kostabi was first in line as of last night. Or he was just waiting for the M8.

[Via Twitter by @nranra]
#someone #needstolearn #howto #usehashtags #properly #theyaremeant #tobeused #assearchable #keywords #notrandomthoughts #knowledgeispower
1. Love that comment Big Brother!
2. Dinner at Papaya King tonight! Can't wait!
Marty Wombacher was going to fly in on his private jet from Peoria for the opening but his jet had “mechanical difficulties” *.
*Not enough Budweiser on board.
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