Spotted this morning on Astor Place via our friends at MoRUS ...

As for the Cube... I recall Scouting New York referring to it this way a few years ago: "(aka The Big Black Cube That Has Never Actually Been Called The Alamo By Anyone Ever Other Than The Artist’s Wife Who Named It)."
Is Amanda Bynes making public art now?
Disgusting... I passed it just recently at about 12noon didn't see the "artwork" maybe the rain or someone took the chalk out, I have seen the free books before, silly to put them out on a rainy day...
And I always call that structure The been there all my life, guess you have to be a Native to call it that... confuses the shit out of others tho when I tell them to meet me at The Alamo
Poor ClamAnda ByNes... she's so misunderstood, she's a receptacle for our hate.
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