Monday, December 1, 2014

Fire at 251 E. Houston St. temporarily closes Gaia Cafe

[Photo Wednesday via EVG reader Chris Mason]

Last Wednesday night, we reported on the fire atop 251 E. Houston St. between Norfolk and Suffolk.

While there weren't any reported injuries, ground-floor tenant Gaia Cafe sustained some water damage.

According to BoweryBoogie, the 5-year-old Cafe is closed until further notice.

Gaia's Facebook page notes the following:

Due to a fire in the building, the cafè has been closed due to some damages ...we still do not know when we will open again... Sorry for any inconvenience...


  1. Where are the complaining shithead commenters to be found when a good local business needs support?

  2. On Houston street.

    And I haven't gone there before, but I definitely will once they reopen.


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