[Never coming soon, courtesy of EVPinhead]
This website turned 7 on Sunday. (What turned out to be a non-event prompted the whole thing 7 years ago!)
So a sincere thank you, as always, to all of you for taking the time to read, comment, grumble, laugh, share, offer tips, provide feedback ... everything.
And thank you for helping me continue to feel connected to a place that is always seemingly changing.
I think from now on everyone should ask people in the neighborhood , "are you Grieve?". It can be our secret hand shake.
congrats wizzle keep lowercasing
Happy Anniversary and Congratulations to you Fearless Griever! Thank you for the work you do for all of us here in the East Village. You inform, confirm, and reaffirm for me every day that I do indeed live in a village, and I love you for that. Happy Holidays!
Happy birthday/anniversary!
How wonderful the place that started it all is still alive and kicking.
Best wishes for the coming year!
The service you provide here is invaluable! I met a lady yesterday on the Bowery while I was looking at the newly demoed salvation army building and we got to talking about the days of old. She's lived on the Bowery for 30 years and we had a good talk about the neighborhood. In the end she asked how I knew so much about the hood at which point I said "EVG!?" Duh!
This is of the most generous sites to its audience. All the best to the grieve this season.
HBD2U, EVG! Secret handshake, yes, but little buttons, too, to proudly sport on our lapels so we can know each other when our paths cross. Scouting NY had 'em for a while if you made a donation (I have mine!), why not you, too? Something tasteful - a hoof-shaped button with the legend EVG in teeny fro-yo cups or something! Anyway, happy happy to you, and merry happy to all my fellow readers, commenters, nitpickers and complainers!
Happy birthday to this fine ev grieve blog.
Happy Birthday! I love this blog. And I love this neighborhood. Also, I think you could make a mint on ev grieve t-shirts.
Happy 7th, EV, and ever-flowing thanks for your work in creating one of the best blogs in the universe. Living in this neighborhood would be incomprehensible without your posts celebrating the dens and denizens and toasting the departed.
Where would we be without you? Keep on, keepin on. Best source of info in the East Village.
seriously the best blog ever !
anyone ever wonder how he does it ? does he walk up and down every street in the hood every single day ?
its amazing !
I did a mock tee online, front of tee, "I am the Grieve", East Village under, and profits could be donated to Bowery Mission.
Why cant we figure out this mystery?
Ha, better we don't!
Happy anniversary! Thank you for keeping me connected to what I consider my home (unfortunately I am now on the West Coast...but that won't last forever)
You're the first thing I check every morning!
Thank you, thank you!!
Lots o love...
Ditto What IzF said
Hi Grieve,
I would wish you happy birthday but I'm a little busy right now. Late last night while running away from a mob of crazy SantaConners dressed up as Amanda Bynes I was forced to duck into the Death Star when I got into a wrestling match with Ben Shauol and the two Cromans who were trying to double my rent. Anyway Ray from Rays Candy came by and chased them all away with some pistachio ice cream and beignets, at which point Malcolm Stogo from DF Mavens showed up with his ice cream-free ice cream but Ray said no way, his pistachio ice cream is much better. Then Ellen Turrieta and the topless female diner showed up and painted everyone with black ink and baby powder. Luckily I found a secret tunnel under The Cube that let me out in the back yard of the Yaffa Cafe where all the neighbors were yelling at us to keep it down and threatening to report us to the DOB. Then LES jewels and some Crustie friends showed up and helped us escape to Tompkins Square Park where David Schwimmer and a bunch of squirrels and red tailed hawks were putting on a concert at the Howl Festival, and Allen Ginsburg was there passing out biscuits with quail eggs and jam. He said to tell you he loves the blog and he will meet you at the Mystery Lot tonight to tell you the East Village is not dead, and to keep up the good work.
Well put Greg Masters! Happy bday Grieve! Xo
Hey, congratz. man!!!!
Congratulations and thank you for the time and work you put into the blog. This transplant finds your site most enlightening and it's helped me integrate myself into the neighborhood, since I moved to NYC (and EV) six years ago (bring out the pitchforks!). I've sent in some photos over the years, too, always excited that the blog was a medium to share interesting things with the wider community outside my building and block.
"Sto lat!" (In Polish, our happy birthday song literally translates to wishing one "100 years", which I hereby wish you and this blog!)
Excellent seven years! (well most of the time ;) )
What Giovanni said.....
......keep on chooglin'!
Lucky seven. You are the best mystery man I've never not known. Also, an excellent writer and if we ever meet IRL, don't let me know, the truth is rarely better.
Merry Christmas!
@ Anon 2:22 - Funny about the "100 years" in Polish. In Swedish, it's the same "May he/she live to be 100 years old" (except in Swedish, so it sounds dopey). I asked one of my Swedish teachers what they sing if the person is 99, and she just laughed. (Swedes don't laugh at lot, as anyone who has seen an Ingmar Bergman movie knows.) They probably kill the old people there, anyway, because of socialized medicine and stuff.
Anyway, I wish socialized medicine and stuff on Grieve for 100-7=93 years, and best-of-luck after that.
Thank you for all the kind words!
Party at Schwimmer's!
Happy birthday to the indispensable Grieve!
Merry Christmas and thank you, Grieve!
Merry Christmas and a belated Happy Birthday to EVG! The mighty warrior battling Santa Clowns, gouging landlords and all the various strains of bro's and ho's!
Best of the season to you and yours, Grieve, and happy 7th!
Happy Birthday, Grievey! I regularly walk around the neighborhood and notice something new and think to myself that I should send in an alert to you, only to find out that I'm a few hours behind and you've already covered it. Thanks for keeping everybody connected on the important (and otherwise) comings and goings in the neighborhood.
Congrats on your seventh year with hopes of many more to come. Thank you for providing a forum for the many voices of this community to express their views. We are a witty bunch, and while I may not always agree with opinions, I almost always find something to give me a good laugh. I am delighted to be part of this neighborhood and lucky to be among such good company, both as a resident and a business owner. And the photos, great, great photos to remind us to look at the little things and how wonderful our streets and parks are. I am smarter and stronger everyday because of EV Grieve--thank you, and much joy of the Season, too!
i have walked by your offices many times! i usually just wave, because you guys always look so busy, but next time, i am going to stop in and say 'hello!'.
You are a real treasure EVG and I wish you many happy years to come for all of us devoted to you and the lovely open space and discussion- you are a true community center- thank you thank you thank you!
Giovanni's prose poem says it all.
Go Grieve.
Happy Birthday, EV Grieve -- you don't look a day over one year old! Keep it up!
Happy birthday! You are loved.
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