Friday, January 9, 2015

Our first snow photo post (snow post photo?) of 2015

Only 34,561 to go!

This view comes from an EVG reader on East 14th Street.

Take caution out there. If you need to ride a bike today, then at least try to get one of those bright red "Annie"-branded Citibikes...


  1. I think "snow photo post" is correct, or if you wait until the snow ends, it's a "post snow snow photo post". (BTW, this is my first post post snow snow photo post post.)

  2. since it is not snowing here, yet, but i had read the comment, so can i post a pre-post snow photo post comment posting?


  3. Blue skies out now, if you had waited a bit, this could have been a post snow photo...

  4. being a first photo, it needs obvious appreciation. great work..:)


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