Friday, January 9, 2015

Reminders: Pun-friendly MulchFest is this weekend

[2nd Avenue this morning via Vinny and O]

As if you need any reminders about the best event that takes place in NYC every January. (We hear that organizers are combining MulchFest with Restaurant Week and the No Pants Subway Ride next January. No Pants Mulch Week is the working title.)

MulchFest 2015 takes place tomorrow and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Tompkins Square Park. Just follow the soothing sounds of the wood chipper toward the middle of the Park...


  1. My favorite event of the year. I can already smell that sweet evergreen aroma...

  2. Mulch Ado About Nothing, I'm thinking!

  3. Thank you very mulch for this reminder

  4. What happens to the trees laying on the sidewalk? Do they ever get collected? Should folks in the neighborhood collect them up and drag them to mulch fest?

  5. Oooh,'s a PARTY!

    The Drag-Up Drag.....

    Prizes for Best-Dressed (it's nawwt a
    costume, dearie.)
    Prize for the Biggest (ahem) Timber.
    Distance Drag Cup award.
    Guest appearance by The Trans-Mulchers.

  6. to Anonymous 4:59 PM - yes,he Department of Sanitation will have special Christmas tree collections from Monday, January 5, through Friday, January 16.
    but feel free to grab a tree and do something for the park- just don't try to drag it there by yourself, get a friend to lift the other end!

  7. This post confuses me. Do I wear pants today or not?


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