Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pasta in the works for St. Mark's Place

The sign went up yesterday for the business replacing the 2 Bros. Pizza (with the upscale $1.50 SUPREME slice!) at 36 St. Mark's Place — Fasta ... Pasta Your Way.

We didn't spot anything about this place online just yet, so… details TK. It's a small space, so expect it to be more of a quick-serve/to-go place.

The 2 Bros. closed here between Second Avenue and Third Avenue last month.


  1. Only one word comes to mind: tacky.

  2. there's a place in california w/the same name:

    it got a lot of good reviews. no one called it "tacky" anyway lol

  3. I have been trying to eat less pasta, so this place won't be good for my waistline, but I am going to try it!

  4. Who knows, it could be a winner. Who doesn't love spaghetti with red sauce?

  5. Will give it a shot. Here’s hoping it’s not a Henry Hill witness protection program type experience.

    “Can't even get decent food - right after I got here, I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce, and I got egg noodles and ketchup.”

  6. Pasta is possible the easiest thing to cook, I never order it when I'm out. I guess you could say the same about coffee but most people cringe at the thought of making a cup at home.

  7. Having designed such banners at my first design job back in the early '90s, I can tell you, because of their ephemeral nature, they're not meant to be master pieces. But I'm sure if Haring or Basquiat rose from the dead to create some sort of edgy, downtown masterpiece that met your exceptional design aesthetics, you'd probably hate that too.

    Anyway... I'll give it a shot as it's close by and not sushi, bubble tea, sea chunder in a bag, or fro-yo in a hoof. Pasta is as traditional as you can get so it's pretty funny someone could complain about that.

  8. I'm hungry. I had pizza yesterday. What should I have today?

  9. All pasta is not created equal. It's easy to make bad pasta, not so easy to make good pasta. The same goes for the sauce!

    (For good pasta to cook at home, there'a always Russo's…)

    - East Villager

  10. Sounds interesting I would love to try it...


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