That's it for Fat Sal's, the pizzeria at 201 Avenue A between East 12th Street and 13th Street. Paper is up in the windows.
The owner sold the shop, and the new proprietor will keep the space as a pizzeria.
Meanwhile, neighbors upstairs are curious what, if anything, might happen with the ventilation duct that workers installed before Sal's opened…

As we understand it, the previous owner tried to little avail to reduce the fan noise that residents say would rattle their windows.
Fat Sal's opened in May 2011, taking over the space from APizzA.
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Since we're talking about ventilation ducts... these things are supposed to run from a restaurant's kitchen all the way up to the roof line, right? I live next to a restaurant that has one that pops out of the wall on the first floor level and spews out stink. It doesn't seem legal to me but maybe it is okay in some cases?
Didn't know about the duct that stinks.. Ahh pun sorry. That blows.. Another, drat.
I am sad to see this go 11B is my go to for pizza 90% of the time. But those fat sloppy spices hit the spot at the requisite time. Cooks and staff always had a smile on.
Yeah, on the rare occasions I ate baked ziti, I got it from Sal's. They were so nice. Like if I had to wait for my pickup order, they'd give me some free garlic knots. Sorry to see you go.
think we ALL NEED TO PAY BETTER ATTENTION to how restaurants feel about US !!---if an owner cannot raise a HEALTH INSPECTION above B (it's a marginal rating system)--then GOOD RIDDANCE:)
This is a prime location for a pizza joint but none of the places that have been in that space have served a decent slice. They would have a line going out the door if they could.
a "B" rating can be for a sign for employes to wash their hands that is not close enough to a sink, or a no smoking sign that is on the wrong wall.
health code violations are not consistent.
I bet just as many people get sick from "A" rated places as "B" rated. It takes just on mistake.
afbp - Rediculous comment. What do I care that the stove is next to the fridge? It's the places that get an "A" and have a rampant rodent problem *between* inspections that should keep you up at night.
nope---so not 'ridiculous'---the health inspections are public record, check out the NYC site--FAT SAL'S had a LONG history of abysmal inspections :(
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