There was a lot of activity this morning outside 154 Second Ave., Icon Realty's new residential building between East Ninth Street and East 10th Street where rentals range from $4,500 to $9,500.
EVG reader Dan Theisen noted that workers were hoisting some trees and bushes up to the landscaped roof deck…

… roughly right here….

Perhaps this will be a more tranquil rooftop experience. There are reportedly an "endless barrage of rowdy DJ dance parties" on the roof deck at the Icon-owned 205 Avenue A, as the Post put it last August.
Green rooftops make it cooler (temperature-wise) and look nicer, especially from above!
Well, woo roofs are one thing we've definitely got over LA.
Icon sucks and those prices are ridiculous BUT why all the negativity and sarcasm for a roof. Wouldn't you like a nice green space to chill have a tea, coffee, meal, read a book, catch some sun? Converse normally? Not everyone is a crazed party animal. Should roofs be banned? Do you value peace and quiet? What next then? no public busses allowed? No kids allowed to chatter on the way to and from school? All horns removed from cars? Dogs muzzled in public so no Barking?
Oh please, Anon. 10:59, are you for real or just an ill-paid Icon-oclast dimwit? If roofs were used for the civilized pursuits of having "tea, coffee, meal, read a book, catch some sun", you would not hear a single word from any of us, no matter how cantankerous we are. But do you *seriously* believe that the young, entitled, self-centered turds who utilize roofs do so to behave like human beings? Go talk to the people within earshot of 205 Avenue A, or Bloom 62, just to mention the most egregious examples. Where I live, on 11th between A and B, we have 325 East 10th Street, where summertime and the closing of the bars at 4 AM is usually followed by the onset of a bunch of yelling drunks and a sound system occupying the roof until they pass out around 6 AM. There's plenty of examples of that kind of selfish, uncaring behavior all over the EV, which is why there is so much hatred for even the *slightest* suggestion that a roof is being prepped for use by tenants. Because, unlike you, we who value peace and quiet in the middle of the night when we are trying to sleep know what that portends. For you to equate that with the idiotic examples you dredge up just shows me that your last name must be either Lowenberg or Cohen. (Lest I be accused of antisemitism, Terrence Lowenberg and Todd Cohen are the owners of Icon, hence the sources of much of the misery being inflicted on us.)
Doing this lift on a Saturday.....bet they didn't have a permit.
No permit for the lift - and that's where it ends? Fine them, please. And I agree, it is nice to have a beautiful roof to hang on, but these new, entitled little college cocksuckers chant and sing and talk super loud and blast music that carries to many different buildings and they do it almost every weekend at some of these places.
I'm not even 30 yet and this shit drives me insane.
They have no understanding or assimilation or concern for neighbors.
meanwhile over at their new acquisition a few blocks south on the same street, decades of open door roof access for rent stabilized tenants is yoinked, replaced by a locked & alarmed door as the first of the frivolous evict notices arrives for a longtime tenant — do NOT rent from these yutzes!
Makes it a far better place to look down on the plebes.
Please if you see something say something. Film them if you can and report these Icon f-ck heads. They are ruining the lives of most people in the east village who have lived here all their lives. Look what they are doing to the Stage Diner. They are low-lives with no class. Write it down...make complaints , call the fire department, call the police department (make a report), go to community board meetings. Be as aggressive as they are. Dish it out like they dish it out. Do not let anyone from Icon into your apartment without I.D. They cannot be trusted. The police department has monthly meetings as well. Keep records of everything and be organized. Do not fear them...they use scare tactics and are very aggressive, however, the tides are turning and and we have rights. Fight for them. Fight for NYC. Kick Terrence Lowenberg and Todd Cohen to the curb where they belong.
By the way Icon is getting into quite a bit of trouble...Scroll down to the bottom
Finally NYC is starting to wake up.
They Never Do...
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