[Image via Buchbinder & Warren]
Albert Trummer, perhaps best known for his flaming concoctions at the Prohibition-era styled Apothéke in Chinatown, has designs for a new cocktail bar at 14 Avenue C, home of the former Adinah's Farm corner market.
Trummer's name is on the 30-day notice submitted to CB3 ahead of Monday night's SLA committee meeting.

FDNY investigators reportedly arrested Trummer in 2010 after setting alcohol aflame on the bartop at Apothéke on Doyers Street. He was charged with reckless endangerment and criminal nuisance, both misdemeanors. After the arrest, he told the Times: "My intention was not to hurt anybody. I'm an artist. I'm a mixologoist. I'm a cook. But I'm not a pyrotechnic maniac."
He vowed to fight the charges, but, in September 2011, he pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and received $120 in fines and two days community service.
Most recently Trummer has been opening bars in South Beach.
The questionnaire with more specifics about the new bar here at Avenue C and East Second Street has yet to arrive on the CB3 website.
Updated 1:24 p.m.
The questionnaire (PDF) is now online. The proposed hours are 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Saturday. The configuration shows 10 tables seating 45 people, and one bar for 15 people. The unnamed bar plans to serve a tapas-style menu.
Adinah's Farm closed for good last June. The asking rent for the space had been $17,500.
The SLA committee meeting is Monday night at 6:30 in the CB3 office, 59 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.
"has designs for a new cocktail bar at 14 Avenue C"
Yeah, good luck with that.
One thing I will say about the American culture in general nobody can make bullshit sell like the great USA. Bartender = Mixologist, cook = chief, home made = artisanal, sweat pants = yoga pant, leggings = yoga pants, a little of this and that = fusion, overpriced = hip.
I truly, deeply, irrevocably HATE the word "mixologist".
Perhaps you don't understand the term Godzilla!
Which is more pretentious? Mixologist or Barista??? Is this anointing with a title just capitalism trying to make the worker feel "special" and therefor not just a slave-lke hourly employee without benefits?
man how many cocktail bars are they gonna shove into ave C?
I'm into it! Place to go after The Stone! Better than an empty storefront.
I understand it quite well, Malo. I know the term goes back to the mid-19th century; I know that it originally referred to serious practitioners of the cocktail art; I also know that it is way overused (read every Adam Platt restaurant review published in New York magazine the last decade, for example), and that far too many fair-to-middling bartenders out there are self-proclaimed masters in the "mixologist" market, who don't have the chops to be anything of the sort. So go point your finger elsewhere, please.
This comment brought to you by a commentologist.
What would Joe Strummer say about mixologist Al Trummer?
Just another fucking douche bag. "Mixologist" my ass. Real EV bartenders would NEVER call themselves "mixologists". It's a dead give-away. A bunch of clowns...infiltrating scum
Joe Strummer is a guitarologist.
And CB3 is a liquor licensologist.
Presumably, this will be a place for hipsters and bros, mainly bros, who seem to have taken the neighborhood hostage on the weekends. It often feels like frat brothers and late twenty something men who have refused to grow up, who still find it appealing to wear loafers without socks, ambercrombie and fitch clothing, and who think yelling, and barfing outside of the bars on a Saturday night is charming. At 40, I am too old for this bar and pretension bullshit. This hood is changing. It feels like Williamsburg. Barfaroo :(
What do you call someone who constantly makes excuses for the bad behavior exhibited by Bros?
A Bropologist.
Fuck this dude. Enough is enough. And Grieve, I haven't scrolled down yet to see if you've posted the info but there is a meeting tomorrow on E 5th st about Root and Bone wanting 12 tables on the sidewalk of that congested corner of 3rd which Poco has ruined for them. We can't have another.
@ 3:43
I didn't receive any information about the meeting.
Enough with the "mixologist" crap.... Gimme a good BARTENDER!!!! And not just someone who's behind the bar - many people can tend bar but there are very few BARTENDERS... And you know what I mean ;)
Ain't no one allowed to open a bar in the East Village unless they serve nothin but beer in a can or well liquor. Cause back in the 80s that's all we had, and you had to duck gunfire at least twice on the way there. Rabble rabble rabble. What a bunch of old farts.
Hey, if you don’t like Old Farts in the EV, move to………….
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