Hours after telling members of his team they were laid off, a J.Crew veep danced on their graves at a nearby bar with fellow survivors — posing for celebratory photos that were hash-tagged with “Hunger Games” jokes.
Alejandro Rhett, vice president of men’s merchandising, personally delivered the bad news to several workers who were among the 175 layoffs at the struggling company on Wednesday, sources told The Post.
Rhett then hightailed it from J.Crew’s East Village headquarters to the Linen Hall bar, where he and other still-employed colleagues threw back drinks, the photos show.
The hashtags on the photos taken outside the bar on Third Avenue near East 13th Street included #maytheoddsbeevrinyourfavor and #damnitfeelsgoodtobeagangster. The photos have since been removed.
A J.Crew spokesperson said the company "does not condone" the behavior of Rhett and the others, adding, "As soon as we were made aware, the appropriate actions took place."
Meanwhile, we will go visit Drunk J. Crew...

[Photo via Drunk J. Crew]
Updated 6-19
Rhett was reportedly fired yesterday.
Oh now, you're railing on J.Crew. Wait 'til Liz F--ck outs you on that hyper advertised loco blog by interviewing J.Crew VPs on how they're hurt by this post and on the fact that you own some J. Crew clothing.
Poor judgement from a 31 yr old VP just does not surprise me at all. Can only say, expect more to come from others in similar situation. Used to be that to get to a VP position, one had to wait for the grey hair to come in.
I wonder which one of his "friends" ratted him out and may now be in line for a promotion.
Well if I needed to find a motivation never to step foot in a J. Crew store, I now have a solid reason. Of course, Linden Hall isn't to blame for the people who hang out there, but once again, I'd rather spend my time and money in local bars that don't cater to such scum bags.
And people here wonder why these Yunnies don't ever want to talk to or care about their new neighbors when they move in? They don't even care about each other! In fact it seems they actually despise each other too. With no sense of human connection or empathy they resort to alcohol and Instagram becuase collecting likes from strangers is the only kind of human connection they seem to value.
I guess this dispels the myth that millenialls are social media geniuses.
J. Crew has the same business model as Abercrombie and Fitch and American Apparel. Keep hanging on to the same dated styles, if they don't sell, cut the quality or raise the price!
Rinse and repeat until chapter 11.
Also be sure to hire and promote insufferable pricks with bloated egos who can adequately put the blame on everyone else but themselves.
I have to suggest you look at the photo of this douchbag and the ridiculous outfit he is wearing - no wonder j crew is going down the tubes. normal people don't dress like that. their clothes are very expensive and geared for the skinny people set, god forbid your adult bone structure isn't like a 13 year old boys.
By now, they're probably all looking for new jobs.
"Rhett then hightailed it from J.Crew’s East Village headquarters..."
Where is the HQ? Didn't know that was in the 'hood.
Is this really how Vice Presidents of big corporations act these days? Instead of Vice President, maybe they should name this guy the President of Vice.
VP is actually pretty low on the totem pole. As someone else observed, it used to mean a lot more, but that's just not the case today. So calling them an "Exec" is an absurd stretch when seen in the most favorable light. And fashion pays like shit. This guy was not some high roller. The poor bastard was probably just celebrating that he didn't get the axe with everyone else and his tweets or whatever seemed pretty consistent with that. I don't see anything wrong with celebrating the survival of a layoff, but since everyone is so fucking touchy feely and saying something that maybe somebody somewhere may find insensitive will get you in more shit than punching a stranger in the face, he's probably going to be fired.
Lesson for the day: unless you want to act like you are running for president 24-7, Social Media is not your friend.
J. Crew is in 770 Broadway... the entrance is on East Ninth Street. HuffPost, Billboard and Facebook also have offices in the building.
I just ... how in the hell does avoiding a round of layoffs make you in any way "gangster"? It makes you lucky. What a dinkus. I really hate how our neighborhood has become the destination for people who want to celebrate their assholism.
I walked by this crowd of asshats on 9th street 2 nights ago. They were all shouting at each other about which bar they were going to. #damnitfeelsgoodtobeagangster I don't think so. You're a bland retail shill. This is the kind of human garbage that lives in NYC now. I hope they all get fired.
On the plus side, he made J Crew's next line of layoffs way easier.
But what do Liz and Daniel think?!?!
"Treat others the way you would like to be treated"
Good advice from the oldest person in the world (116 yrs old) who passed away today. Plus she said it was her secret to longevity! http://7online.com/health/oldest-person-in-the-world-passes-away-at-116/792723/
The torch now passes to local woman Susannah Jones of Brooklyn, N.Y., who turns 116 in July!
Anonymous 2:52 got it right, VP is a low title. In banks, everyone is a VP. And yes, they sound like they were glad they weren't axed. Only people who don't work would misunderstand that.
Hate to bring up the East Village geography soobery here, but is 770 Broadway really in the East Village? I'm not sure. It's West of Bowery putting it in Greenwich Village proper.
Liz and Daniel think? They wear J. Crew.
That Drunk J. Crew site captured the conversations I hear in the EV nowadays, literally and phonetically.
Please. No more talk of Liz & Dick. I read their blog today for the first time and it's such a sanitized version of the neighborhoods they cover. Khakis have more personality.
Is it time for NYC to have a group who at least scares the shit out of the bro/hipster/millenial/yuppie/yunnie?
'Say 30 guys aged 35 to 50 get together in front of a bro bar-grill, go inside, and basically run the place. By that I mean they ask for the manager, politely introduce themselves, and say they're a group of 30 who want to order two rounds of beers for 60 beers @ figure $7 a beer ($14 a guy) for $420 in beers plus $840 in food ($28 a guy) for $1260 total ($42 a guy) from one group alone ($315/25% tip split evenly between five servers for a nice $63 tip per server.) That manager is gonna treat them like royalty especially when the group says they're coming back in two to four weeks upon receiving the food.
Three bros are repeatedly yelling at the tv (their team is losing) and one of the group of 30 tells them "Yo lower your voice or shut the fuck up this isn't your living room BRO", the bro shoots back with a "wut?" and the gang surrounds them and says "30 against 3 - now WUT?". Bouncers are gonna throw out the bros? No, the bouncers are gonna tell the three dickheads nursing maybe two beers and a bowl of stale pretzels between them (who have spent maybe $20 including tips but not a dime in a half hour) to quiet down or leave. If I'm the manager of this place I side with the 30 people who just gave my place $1260 in business (and my workers $252 in tips) inside of an hour and could stomp out the three bigmouths.
Word gets out that you can't run your mouth to anyone and the bros chill.
"As soon as we were made aware, the appropriate actions took place" - I hope that included firing their pathetic asses, but not before making every douchebag tool in that sickening photo personally call their laid-off compatriots and apologize.
Wiki to rescue! "Neighborhoods in New York City do not have official status, and their boundaries are not specifically set by the city. (There are a number of Community Boards, whose boundaries are officially set, but these are fairly large and generally contain a number of neighborhoods, and the neighborhood map issued by the Department of City Planning only shows the largest ones.) Because of this, the definition of where neighborhoods begin and end is subject to a variety of forces, including the efforts of real estate concerns to promote certain areas, the use of neighborhood names in media news reports, and the everyday usage of people." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Village,_Manhattan
Urban dictionary does include Broadway while wiki does not
Actually it was NYU who worked really hard to make sure that none of its buildings were located in the "lower east side". Usually 5th Avenue is the dividing line between east and west but in this area it was set more to the east because NYU wanted to be part of the Greenwich Village and most specifically not LES or EV. The practice was also continued by real estate developers and agents until it became cool to be part of EV.
Oh and by the way Third Avenue used to be infamous for streetwalkers in the 1950s.
Gojira, Of course you want them to be fired. A hundred years ago, you'd have wanted them burned at the stake.
As despicable as the described behavior is let's not lose sight here. This is not news, this is New York Post shit-stirring inanity. "Stories" like this are meant to exploit your ugly side, get you all riled up over nothing.
4:55pm again forget $252 I was thinking $1060 total bill and miscalculated the total and tip.
$1260 + $315 tip= $1575 spent by 30 guys together acting civilized > $20 spent by 3 bros acting uncivilized.
Hey, money talks, right?
It's not bullying, gang, or vigilantism shit, it's regulating with money behind it which benefits all.
If a woman is being harrassed by a guy, we tell him to leave her alone or else (but only after she tells us to step in.)
These bros can congregate and act like uncivilized dickheads but we can't congregate and act like civilized gentleman? Fuck that.
Every day, the Post runs stories similar to B+B's expose, and people here foam at the mouth at the targets of these stories. Now the focus has shifted -- people should learn to be less judgmental, and less hateful.
Perfectly said, Anon 1:01. Thank you!
We're doomed as a species. For those of us that are real and know how to - enjoy life - REAL, in-this-dimension life... not htis cyberexistence that is void of life.
@5:44pm: 1950's? There were still plenty of streetwalkers on 3rd Avenue & adjacent side-streets into the 1980's!
Yes, Bed + Brah... the moral compass.
Thier dads taught them how to behave, they worked at Enron
@Anon. 5:52 -I am assuming, given that there are any number of negative comments on this thread, you latched onto mine to snark against because you are my acai bowl hater. Get a life, willya? And BTW, if you don't like my posts, here's a hot flash for ya - when you see my name, don't read 'em.
@2:52 and 4:35, people who do work, and especially for large companies, know that this guy is an idiot who will be lucky if his ass isn't handed to him. Companies have policies about public discussions of work issues. This moron even used J.Crew's name.
This guy really believed that he's been spared and that's it for layoffs? If vp is a lowly position, then that means it's not that hard to eliminate. This genius should have been busting his ass working overtime to ry to keep his head from rolling when the next round of layoffs comes, like when the holiday sales fall flat.
Really stupid to gloat about your co-workers unemployment. Industries are small. He won't be feeling so "gangsta" when the hiring manager at his next interview is one of those people.
Gojira, I'M your acai bowl hater, and I didn't make that comment (I commented at 3:56 yesterday). And I do try to avoid you, because I assume no one is interested in inter-Grieve bickering. Sorry, sis, looks like you've got more than one non-fan.
This meanness and arrogance is all part of the much larger societal fracture. The EV, unfortunately, isn't immune!
He's going to have to get a bigger purse.
@12:21, well said.
6:12 PM you're seriously equating this exposé to that of Bro + Brah? You're as clueless as Liz. Go Flock to her and yourself.
And buh bye. Fired.
Update: The NY Post says he's been fired. And unlike the banks, J. Crew does not have that many VPs, there are many worker bees who have to work their way up the ladder for years like this guy did through many job titles. Too bad he fell off the ladder. #InstaUnemployment #JScrewed #CancelMyUber #HipsterHell #PaperOrPlastic?
#winning #ilovenewyork
Why can't NYU follow suit and do the same to them J. Crew wearing EF + DM.
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