Wednesday, July 15, 2015

After recent complaints, city vows to crack down on stuffed lions in Tompkins Square Park

Look for the story in the Post tomorrow.

Photo today by Derek Berg



  1. This city used to be FULL of lions. Now it's all strollers and frat boys.

  2. Hah! Good one marjorie!

  3. This city used to be full of lions, now it's full of pussies.

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenJuly 15, 2015 at 12:18 PM

    My daughters asks, "Mommy, why are the lions sleeping?" And that’s not something you want to explain to your child.

  5. Meanwhile we have cougars snatching up young men all over the Upper East Side and nobody is doing a thing about it!

    1. And they are delicious - let me tell ya

  6. Lions all over the place, sleeping on cardboard. "They're all drug infested," said an unidentified park worker.

    Thanks deBlasio.

  7. Cops everywhere in the park the past few days. It's so obnoxious and unnecessary. Let people live.
    It's amazing what a stupid article can do.
    I hope it dies down.

  8. Came around the corner of 1st Ave and 9th Street last night, my mind was elsewhere, and this thing just appeared before my eyes. I'll admit I jumped back a bit.

  9. The "Lion Situation" is nothing new in TSP.

  10. Is that L__ ______?

  11. If you don't like lions in your neighborhood, go back to ____.

    Or is this one of the NY Post's examples of unsavory characters just lion around in the vicinity of the park?

  12. Once the Scarecrow and Tin Man show out. Someone will coat the walks with gold paint and it will be a regular musical extravaganza. (Lady Gaga as Dorothy and Tony Bennett as the Wizard?)

  13. Replacement player for the Tiger in the Cadillac?

  14. The Tiger currently resides in the rafters of the 37th street pedestrian underpass beneath the FDR to the East River Esplanade. At least that was where I saw an identical stuffed lion yesterday afternoon.


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