Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Extra police and media foot patrols in Tompkins Square Park

Tompkins Square Parkgoers today noted an extra NYPD presence… not to mention reporters...

Per Dave on 7th, who took these photos: "Well, thanks to the New York Post we've got cops doing foot patrols and being shadowed by more reporters looking for stories and finding none."

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Post reports Tompkins Square Park 'has become a homeless haven' (105 comments)

Observer editors write, 'it's time to take back Tompkins Square Park'


  1. So annoying. Fucking sheep. From the cops to the media. One article gets written, Kushner's cronies followup, and all of a sudden the people go mad.

  2. If The Post and other media outlets are so concerned, why don't they post Kushner's personal address and tell the homeless people he would be fine with them sleeping outside of his place.

  3. Nobody will trust newspapers who cry wolf. Now feel free to increase this patrol throughout the east village for the drunken weekend bros. Oh that's right, they can make money off THOSE drunks.

  4. Good to see. I never understood why the police don't bother to enforce drug, litter, or other quality of life laws in the park. They drive around the neighborhood doing nothing instead.

  5. Respect due editorial for "media foot patrols". heheheheh! I hope they tip the pretty good jazz combo holding it down by the fountain. (they won't)

    Remember when Mayor Mike said "Rats aren't so bad"? We got some cameras and live talking heads out of that.

  6. NY Post and Observer should do a coverage on the fratboys and their woo-girls so that there'll be police presence during the douches' and sorostitutes' prime mating call hours. But that ain't never gonna happen.

  7. Whose Fukin Park ? The Real Estate Developers and NYU's Fukin Park. Don't like it... go to jail or leave the area.

  8. anynymous 8:45PM - ummmm the Post already did that with the drunken brunch spot in flatiron.. they shamed the sht out of the drunken young idiots and brought lots of heat on the place... what was it called, Prana? sooooooo you're wrong.

  9. this morning at the dog run it was like the gestapo was circling between the cop cars, park service vehicles and hovering helicopters. sad thing is that the only thing the park service people were yelling at via bull horn were people with dogs off leashes.

  10. Yet there are nowhere to be seen during SantaCon and weekend brunches and nights. NYPD does not work for the public. Much like the rest of NYC, it is for sale for the the riches. They are there to improve the quality of life of the suburbanites, rich or otherwise, and the parentally funded kidults.

  11. To 8:49 some of us live here and work here it is a city not Hooverville


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