As previously noted, crews are filming scenes for "A.K.A Jessica Jones" — under the working title "Violet" — tonight on Avenue B… where there will be a simulated explosion some time between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. for the Marvel Netflix series…
And Dave on 7th points out that Vazac's/7B/Horseshoe Bar at East 7th Street looks to be the lucky recipient of the FX this evening …

Previously on EV Grieve:
Please never mind the explosion tomorrow night on Avenue B
This is such a great idea, set off fake explosions in a neighborhood still rattled by gas leaks and exploding buildings, pure genius.
Does this have to do with why the NYPD just posted a whole bunch of "TOW AWAY ZONE" signs along 70% of east 4th st (bet c & D)? http://i.imgur.com/05AEz7o.jpg
They posted that this afternoon for tonight. A lot of cars are going to be towed because people thought they were okay until Thursday or Friday. It's actually complete and utter bullshit.
Yes indeed, Towawaysigns, NYPD provides charitable services to the film and TV industries:
Movie and Television Unit
Founded in 1966, the NYPD Movie/TV Unit was the first of its kind in the country. Because of its relationship with the NYPD, the unit has the greatest knowledge on how to assist productions, particularly with complex shooting situations, in a city that is dense with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In addition to this expertise, their services are free to productions filming in the city.
Another subsidy to Hollywood I didn't know about. Abolish it no more than ever!
a trailer with some big tanks and a sign that said "no smoking within 100 feet of this vehicle" was parked in front of my building on 6th last night. fucking fantastic.
Get yours back with pirate bay
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