Saturday, August 8, 2015

My Little Village Postal Store returns to a refurbished home

After a month of relocation to East Seventh Street…

… My Little Village Postal Store returned this past week to its renovated home at 151 First Ave. between East 9th Street and East 10th Street.

As EVG regular Peter Brownscombe reports, the shop has new mailboxes and floor and apparently a new name — East Village Postal, as seen in the mosaic doorstep… (The store's older sign will remain, however.)

As Peter notes, despite different owners, this is the shop's first renovation since 1988.

All photos by Peter Brownscombe


  1. East Village Postal was the original name of the store, and when it changed ownership the name changed to "My Little Village Postal" store. I was corrected on referring to it as "East Village Postal" more than once; I'm personally glad to have the old name back.

    [I originally started renting a box there when I started writing to a prisoner, but we've found it's a good way to receive packages if you live in a tenement and don't have a doorman.]

  2. I had not realized that they had temporarily closed. I noticed the change in the layout of the store the other day when I stopped by to look at their assortment of art postcards. Right now they only have NYC cards. I hope they will begin to stock other cards, including historical photographic cards, and perhaps even cards by neighborhood artists who might be into publishing work on postcards. Welcome back!!

  3. I am so glad this shop is still here. I worried when I saw it was undergoing renovations. Also, the tile work is great!

  4. An independently owned business?!? WHO LET THIS HAPPEN?

  5. By the way, what happened to sustainable nyc?

  6. Love the UPS mosaics!!!! Are these the work of Jim Powers? Well done!

  7. Yes, I was so wondering about Sustainable NYC -- walked by the other afternoon and it wasn't open... any news, EVG?

  8. @ 9:02 and 3:54

    It is closed for good. Waiting to hear from the owner for the reason why. Hope to post in the morning.


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