Friday, August 14, 2015

Rock of ages

Harpist and singer/songwriter Joanna Newsom released her first new music in five years this week with "Sapokanikan."

The video above for the song shows her meandering around the East Village.

Drag City drops the full album, Divers, on Oct. 23.

And for the record, I'm more of a Joanna Gruesome fan.


  1. Not sure why Grieve would feature this in an EV blog. But since I'm a Joanna Newsom fan (and I admit it), I'll take it.

  2. I featured this because she filmed part of the video in the East Village... otherwise, for whatever reasons, I've posted a video at this time (Friday, 5 pm) for the past 7 years or so...they usually don't have anything to do with the neighborhood... though the band might be playing nearby at the Mercury Lounge or Bowery Ballroom or Cake Shop ...

  3. Thanks for the video. Couldn't understand a word of her singing. I'm assuming it was in English. Diction, diction, diction... as they say on Broadway. Sweet piano, though.

  4. That little girl looks really old for her voice.

  5. Directed by PT Anderson, nice!

  6. C'mon, Grieve, you know you posted it because of the historical reference:


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