So you probably know that Pope Francis is visiting NYC on Sept. 25.
Did you sign up for your chance to attend his Central Park procession? (Maybe Q104 will be giving away tix to the 10th caller next weekend?)
Meanwhile, folks around here are prepping for his arrival.
Spotted on East Fourth Street near Avenue B …

East East Fifth Street near Avenue D …

I would probably alter that sign to read: "THE POPE IS MY FIEND!"
You mean his "Central Park Possession".
hmmm, as non religious as I am , I like Pope Francis. If I met him I would be so tempted to quote Stripes. "Lighten up, Francis."
I'd post a link to The Damned's "Anti-Pope" but given the times we live in the current's pope's call to help the downtrodden and the poor comes across as downright punk-rock...
As a one time Catholic and an avowed atheist, I think Pope Francis is the kind of progressive Pope the church needed a few decades ago. He is keeping it real and void of church dogma and an example of how a religions leader is suppose to behave. Don't hate on others or use your rules to discriminate against others that are different, Pope Francis gets my seal of approval.
Is that Lady Gaga?
I come to EV Grieve to see if my point of view is valid.
Punk rock must have evolved out of the village because i remember "fuck the pope". And i agree that this dude is trying to help,
I still won't ever go to church.
I'd call him The Progressive Pope but then people would conjure up images of Progressive car insurance commercials, especially the insufferable Flo in them.
The Pope, any Pope, has as much real authority as I do, and I'd argue less.
What does that even mean? Gibbierish. I would bet that whoever stenciled that remark does not even know what he himself stands for.
I survived catholic school in the 70's and 80's, but I have too say I like this pope. I'm not going back too the fold, and am still an avowed atheist, but this guy seems to be the real deal. The world needs more leaders like him.
Oh, Jesus ... if the Pope were a real leader, he'd dissolve the Papacy.
I like this Pope but he's just a front for a bunch of blood drinking bishops - the Church still hasn't apologized for being a front for slavery in Mexico
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